Idol manager
Idol manager

idol manager

The thing is, a rework of the text is a necessity to achieve something truly extraordinary. That piqued my interest and compelled me to continue. Hell, the plotline mentions prostitution or using one’s body to gain business favours. It also explores behaviour that could occur within the group, such as instances of bullying or blackmail. Idol Manager does a superb job in nailing that world and presenting the harsh realities faced by these women. I have heard of various ordeals that may befall someone that is, though – ranging from stalkers to a girl’s fame is dependent on her being single.

Idol manager plus#

Now, I’m no idol, and I sure as hell don’t look good enough to be one – plus being a male doesn’t help. I wonder if I’d be given ¥50,000 for my bath water. You know, amid this vocabulary clutter, there’s an obscene tale waiting to burst out. Well, unless, of course, you’re not taking part in the main storyline. It creates a bland cast that babbles incoherently about nothing of substance. Much like the dialogue, however, that silliness is never fully realized because it suffocates under meaningless verbiage. I smiled and nodded with approval several times.

idol manager

I say that because, in a surprising discovery, there’s some potentially funny banter. Somebody missed that memo, though, and the characters are mostly devoid of personality. The spice and liveliness typically get added in afterwards. It’s a regurgitation of words meant to place the notions floating in my head on paper. If I’m being blunt, the script resembles a rough draft of a coverage piece or even a chapter of a novel. Sadly, that’s just the beginning of the issues I encountered. As for missing words, well, that isn’t as rampant as I expected, but grammar takes a minor hit.

idol manager

It’s evident that localization wasn’t a task given to a native speaker. It then becomes a tiresome slog to have to scroll through frivolous exposition that could be condensed. If, like me, you’re a literary snub that sits and reads the visual novel sections, that all quickly becomes apparent. Only, the wording is slightly different to give an illusion that it’s not actually the same idea. It goes off on these long-winded tangents that often repeat a point it’s trying to convey. So, it’s fairly ironic that my main hindrance with Idol Manager is that very thing. I’ve heard many critiques about my reviews, targeting length and my habit of over-explanations.

Idol manager